
A service that deletes an item from an auction.

WEBSERVICE : METHOD : InventoryDelete ARGUMENT : AUCTIONEER_ID [Numeric] Required | Your auctioneer ID ACCESS_KEY [String] Required | Your web service access key AUCTION_ID [Numeric] Optional | The ID of the target auction EXTERNAL_AUCTION_ID [String] Optional | The external ID of the target auction ITEM_ID [Numeric] Optional | The ID of the item to delete EXTERNAL_ITEM_ID [String] Optional | The external ID of the item to delete
NOTE : 1. You must specify an AUCTION_ID or EXTERNAL_AUCTION_ID, if both, then only AUCTION_ID will be used. 2. You can specify an ITEM_ID or EXTERNAL_ITEM_ID, if both, then only ITEM_ID will be used. 3. If neither ITEM_ID or EXTERNAL_ITEM_ID are supplied then all of the auction's item will be deleted.
RETURNS : InventoryDeleteResponse ON FAILURE : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <InventoryDeleteResponse> <Error> <Code>[Error code]</Code> <Message>[Error message]</Message> </Error> </InventoryDeleteResponse> ON SUCCESS : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <InventoryDeleteResponse> <Item> <Item_ID>[ID of the deleted item]</Item_ID> </Item> </InventoryDeleteResponse> OR <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <InventoryDeleteResponse> <ItemList> <Item> <Item_ID>[ID of the deleted item]</Item_ID> </Item> ... </ItemList> </InventoryDeleteResponse>
ERROR CODES : 00 = An unexpected error occured. 01 = Missing or invalid arguments. 02 = Invalid auctioneer ID and/or access key. 03 = Could not find specified auction. 04 = Could not find specified item.
EXAMPLES : COLDFUSION : <cfinvoke webservice="" method="InventoryDelete" returnvariable="result"> <cfinvokeargument name="Auctioneer_ID" value="0" /> <cfinvokeargument name="Access_Key" value="..." /> <cfinvokeargument name="Auction_ID" value="0" /> <cfinvokeargument name="External_Auction_ID" value="..." /> <cfinvokeargument name="Item_ID" value="0" /> <cfinvokeargument name="External_Item_ID" value="..." /> </cfinvoke> <cfdump var=#result# /> PHP : class InventoryDelete { function InventoryDelete($Auctioneer_ID, $Access_Key, $Auction_ID, $External_Auction_ID, $Item_ID, $External_Item_ID) { $this->Auctioneer_ID = $Auctioneer_ID; $this->Access_Key = $Access_Key; $this->Auction_ID = $Auction_ID; $this->External_Auction_ID = $External_Auction_ID; $this->Item_ID = $Item_ID; $this->External_Item_ID = $External_Item_ID; } } $soapClient = new SoapClient(""); $params = new InventoryDelete(0, "...", 0, "...", 0, "..."); $result = $soapClient->InventoryDelete($params); var_dump($result);